How to Reset Lenovo Laptop

Updated on October 13, 2022

The steps necessary to perform a factory reset on a Windows 10 Lenovo laptop are detailed in this article. Lenovo’s factory reset function gives you the choice of erasing all of your data and restoring it at a later time.


How to Reset Your Lenovo Laptop While Saving Files

In order to start over, you have the option of erasing all data on the hard drive or simply the files you no longer need. Any option that involves resetting your Lenovo laptop will also result in a brand-new installation of Windows. If you want to keep your data intact after a reset, here’s what you need to do.

You can access the Lenovo OneKey Factory reset by pressing the NOVO button on some Lenovo laptops, such as the IdeaPad and the ThinkPad. If your laptop doesn’t have a physical recovery button, you might be able to use a paper clip to press a pinhole in the case’s plastic lid.

Select Settings > Update & Security from the main menu.

Select Recovery, then click the Get Started button next to Reset this PC.

Choose the “Keep my files” option to permanently store your files.

A prompt will appear reassuring you that the reset of your device will not take long.

The next step is to evaluate the changes before proceeding with the uninstallation of any user-installed programs, the restoration of factory settings, and the fresh installation of Windows.

A click of the Reset button will confirm and begin the process.

A Lenovo computer may take some time to reboot after being reset to factory settings. For optimal results, make sure your laptop is always connected to power.

You should still manually back up your files just in case anything goes wrong, even if you select the reset options that keep your data intact. If you don’t already have a way to back up your files, you should look into using the cloud or an external hard drive.


How to Perform a Hard Reset and Remove Files

A hard reset deletes all data and returns the computer to its factory settings, useful if you want to give the laptop away or if you’re experiencing persistent problems.

Select Settings > Update & Security > Recovery from the Windows menu.

Select Get Started > Removing everything under Reset this PC.

Just deleting my files is the option to go with if you plan on retaining your computer.

This is the quicker choice, but if you’re planning on giving away your laptop, it may not be as secure. Delete everything and format the drive, which will take longer but will guarantee a clean slate.

If you’re giving away your laptop or simply want to wipe it clean, select Remove everything > Remove data and clean the drive.

There is no turning back once you start down this path. By selecting this option, your device will be restored to its factory settings, which will delete any data and programs on it.

If you’re ready to start over, select your preferred option and then click Reset.

Not sure if a laptop reset is necessary or if a restart will do the trick? Learn more about the subtle distinctions between rebooting and resetting your laptop with the help of this handy reference.

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