LESCO Tariff and LESCO Unit Price 2022

Updated on December 31, 2022

Not everyone is aware of the LESCO Tariff and the variation in electricity prices. How much does one unit of electricity cost? These are the data points that everyone is interested in learning about.

It comes as no surprise that the electricity tariff schedule varies and rises and falls over time. It also occurs frequently these days as a result of the renewal of contracts with IPPs (Individual Power Producers), which has a significant impact on electricity pricing. The new revisions to the electricity agreement will also be covered in a separate article.

Moving on, what is the LESCO/Wapda unit tariff, and how much does power cost in Pakistan, etc.?

Furthermore, it is also true that a number of factors affect the tariff or price of energy. Perhaps the electrical supply corporations themselves are bringing those factors to light.

Let’s first discuss Peak and Off-Peak hours, after which we’ll discuss MEPCO Tariff and specifics for IESCO Tariff.

View the updated LESCO tariffs, which are valid as of July 25, 2022, here. Check here for the most recent rates.

LESCO peak hours are typically some defined hours during the day when electricity usage reaches its peak and rates for 1 unit increase somewhat due to a supply and demand imbalance. Peak hours are often seen as 5 PM to 11 PM.

You can use the LESCO Bill Calculator to get a precise idea of your monthly LESCO bill. Details on peak and off-peak hours, along with months and times, are provided below.

Lesco Unit Price

Peak Timing
Off-Peak Timing
Dec to Feb
5 PM to 9 PM
Remaining 20 hours
Mar to May
6 PM to 10 PM
Jun to Aug
7 PM to 11 PM
Sep to Nov
6 PM to 10 PM

Rates for 1 Unit of Electricity

For home and business users, LESCO has varying unit prices. LESCO increased tariffs and amended the price per unit of electricity in response to rising inflation.

Since domestic customers are more interested in unit prices, we will offer domestic or home consumer unit prices here.

  • For the 1-100 Units: 9.42 Rs. per unit
  • For the 100-200 Units: 11.74 Rs. per unit
  • For the Next 201-300 Units: 13.83 Rs. per unit
  • For 301-400 Units: 21.23 Rs. per unit
  • For 401-700 Units: 21.23 Rs. per unit
  • Above 700 Units: 24.33 Rs. per unit

Schedule of Electricity Tariff W.E.F 05-11-2021

Here Is the Detailed Breakdown of The Lesco Electricity Tariff.

A1 General Supply Tariff-Residential

Sr. No. Tariff Category/Particulars Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh) Applicable Variable Charges
a) For sanctioned load less than 5 kW
i Up to 50 Units (life line) 4 3.95
iii 51-100 Units- (life line) 14.59 7.74
iii For the first 100 Units 14.59 7.74
iv a.101-200 Units 16.41 10.06
v 001-100 Units 14.59 9.42
vi 100-200Units 16.41 11.74
vii 201-300 Units 17.53 13.83
viii 301-400 Units 19.07 21.23
ix 401-500 Units 19.07 21.23
x 501-600 Units 19.07 21.23
xi 601-700 Units 19.07 21.23
xii Above 700 Units 20.61 24.33
b) For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
Time of Use 20.27 13.1 24.33 18.01
As per Authority’s decision residential consumers will be given the benefits of only one previous slab
Under Tariff A-1, there shall be a minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if no energy is consumed.
a) Single Phase connections: Rs. 75/- per consumer per month
b) Three-phase connection: Rs.150/- per consumer per month
A2 General Supply Tariff-Commercial
Sr. No. Tariff Category/Particulars Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh) Applicable Variable Charges
a) For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW 440 19.56 21.34
b) For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above 19.22 23.04
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
c) Time of Use 440 21.02 13.49 24.94 18.97
Under Tariff A-2, there shall be a minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if no energy is consumed.
a) Single-phase connections: Rs. 175/- per consumer per month
b) Three-phase connections: Rs. 350/- per consumer per month
A3 General Services
Sr. No. Tariff Category/Particulars Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh) Applicable Variable Charges
a) General Services 17.05 20.9
Under Tariff A-3, there shall be a minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if no energy is consumed.
a) Single-phase connections: Rs. 175/- per consumer per month
b) Three-phase connections: Rs. 350/- per consumer per month
B Industrial Supply Tariff
Sr. No. Tariff Category/Particulars Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh) Applicable Variable Charges
B1 (a Up to 25 kw (at 400/230 volts) 18.31 18.62
B2(a) exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts) 440 17.87 18.12
Time of Use Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
B1 (b) Up to 25 kw 21.19 13.41 22.18 16.62
B2 (b) exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts) 440 20.98 13.5 22.12 16.41
B3 For All Loads up to 5000 KW(at 11,33 KV) 420 21.11 12.63 22.12 16.32
B4 For All Loads (at 66,132 KV & above) 400 20.93 12.97 22.12 16.22
For B1 consumers there shall be a fixed minimum charge of Rs. 350 per month. 
For B2 consumers there shall be a fixed minimum charge of Rs. 2,000 per month.  
For B3 consumers there shall be a fixed minimum charge of Rs. 50,000 per month. 
For B4 consumers there shall be a fixed minimum charge of Rs. 500,000 per month. 
Sr. No. Tariff Category/Particulars Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh) Applicable Variable Charges
C-1 For supply at 400/230 Volts
a) Sanctioned load less than 5 kW 24.36 22.02
b) Sanctioned load 5 kW & up to 500 kW 440 21.31 21.52
C-2(a) For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW 420 17.03 21.32
C-3(a) For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW 400 15.11 21.22
Time Of Use Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
C-1(c) For supply at 400/230 Volts 5 kW & up to 500 kW 440 22.43 15 24.94 18.34
C-2(b) For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW 420 20.4 12.89 24.94 18.14
C-3(b) For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW 400 19.51 11.68 24.94 18.04
Sr. No. Tariff Category/Particulars Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh) Applicable Variable Charges
D-1(a) SCARP less than 5 KW 22.92 19.02
D-2(a) Agricultural Tube Well 200 17.63 8.69
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
D-1(b) SCARP 5 KW & above 200 23.76 14.25 21.94 14.69
D-2(b) Agricultural 5 KW & above 200 21.44 13.04 8.69 8.69
Under this tariff, there shall be minimum monthly charges of Rs. 2000/- per consumer per month, even if no energy is consumed.
 Note: Consumers having sanctioned loads less than 5 kW can opt for TOU metering.
Sr. No. Tariff Category/Particulars Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh) Applicable Variable Charges
E-1(i) Residential Supply 21.73 24.47
E-1(ii) Commercial Supply 19.23 21.73
E-2 Industrial Supply 18.38 19.7
Note: For the categories of E-1(i&ii) above, the minimum bill of the consumers shall be Rs. 50/- per day subject to a minimum of Rs. 500/- for the entire period of supply, even if no energy is consumed.
F – Seasonal Industrial Supply TARIFF
125% of relevant Industrial Tariff
 Note: Tariff F consumers will have the option to convert to regular tariff and vice versa. This option can be exercised at the time of a new connection or at the beginning of the season. Once
Sr. No. Tariff Category/Particulars Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh) Applicable Variable Charges
Street  Lighting 19.02 22.02
Under Tariff-G, there shall be a minimum monthly charge of Rs. 500/- per month per kW of lamp capacity installed.
Sr. No. Tariff Category/Particulars Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh) Applicable Variable Charges
Residential Colonies attached to industrial premises 21.02 22.02
Sr. No. Tariff Category/Particulars Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh) Applicable Variable Charges
Railway Traction 19.17 22.02
Sr. No. Tariff Category/Particulars Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh) Applicable Variable Charges
1 Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) 400 14.23 19.24
Time of Use 400 Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
18.63 11.95 24.94 18.04
2 Rawat Lab 17.07 22.02

Schedule of Electricity Tariff W.E.F 12-02-2021

A1 General Supply Tariff-Residential
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Variable Charges
a) For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW
i Up to 50 Units 4 3.95
For Consumption exceeding 50 Units
ii For first 100 Units 14.89 7.74
iii a.101-200 Units 16.41 10.06
iii b.201-300 Units 17.53 12.15
iv 301-700 Units 19.07 19.55
v Above 700 Units 20.61 22.65
b) For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
Time of Use 20.27 13.1 22.65 16.33
As per Authority’s decision residential consumers will be given the benefits of only one previous slab
Under Tariff A-1, there shall be a minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if no energy is consumed.
a) Single Phase connections: Rs. 75/- per consumer per month
b) Three-phase connection: Rs.150/- per consumer per month
A2 General Supply Tariff-Commercial
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Variable Charges
a) For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW 440 19.56 19.95
b) For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above 19.22 21.63
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
c) Time of Use 440 21.02 13.49 23.55 17.58
Under Tariff A-2, there shall be a minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if no energy is consumed.
a) Single-phase connections: Rs. 175/- per consumer per month
b) Three-phase connections: Rs. 350/- per consumer per month
A3 General Services
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Variable Charges
a) General Services 17.05 19.51
Under Tariff A-3, there shall be a minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if no energy is consumed.
a) Single-phase connections: Rs. 175/- per consumer per month
b) Three-phase connections: Rs. 350/- per consumer per month
B Industrial Supply Tariff
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Variable Charges
B1 (a Up to 25 kw (at 400/230 volts) 18.31 17.23
B2(a) exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts) 440 17.87 16.73
Time of Use Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
B1 (b) Up to 25 kw 21.19 13.41 20.79 15.23
B2 (b) exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts) 440 20.98 13.5 20.73 15.02
B3 For All Loads up to 5000 KW(at 11,33 KV) 420 21.11 12.63 20.73 14.93
B4 For All Loads (at 66,132 KV & above) 400 20.93 12.97 20.73 14.83
For B1 consumers there shall be a fixed minimum charge of Rs. 350 per month.
For B2 consumers there shall be a fixed minimum charge of Rs. 2,000 per month.
For B3 consumers there shall be a fixed minimum charge of Rs. 50,000 per month.
For B4 consumers there shall be a fixed minimum charge of Rs. 500,000 per month.
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Variable Charges
C-1 For supply at 400/230 Volts
a) Sanctioned load less than 5 kW 24.36 20.63
b) Sanctioned load 5 kW & up to 500 kW 440 21.31 20.13
C-2(a) For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW 420 17.03 19.93
C-3(a) For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW 400 15.11 19.83
Time Of Use Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
C-1(c) For supply at 400/230 Volts 5 kW & up to 500 kW 440 22.43 15 23.55 16.95
C-2(b) For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW 420 20.4 12.89 23.55 16.75
C-3(b) For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW 400 19.51 11.68 23.55 16.65
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Variable Charges
D-1(a) SCARP less than 5 KW 22.92 17.63
D-2(a) Agricultural Tube Well 200 17.63 7.3
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
D-1(b) SCARP 5 KW & above 200 23.76 14.25 20.55 13.3
D-2(b) Agricultural 5 KW & above 200 21.44 13.04 7.3 7.3
Under this tariff, there shall be minimum monthly charges Rs. 2000/- per consumer per month, even if no energy is consumed.
 Note: The consumers having sanctioned load less than 5 kW can opt for TOU metering.
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Variable Charges
E-1(i) Residential Supply 21.73 22.79
E-1(ii) Commercial Supply 19.23 20.34
E-2 Industrial Supply 18.38 18.31
Note : For the categories of E-1(i&ii) above, the minimum bill of the consumers shall be Rs. 50/- per day subject to a minimum of Rs. 500/- for the entire period of supply, even if no energy is consumed.
F – Seasonal Industrial Supply TARIFF
125% of relevant Industrial Tariff
 Note: Tariff F consumers will have the option to convert to regular tariff and vice versa. This option can be exercised at the time of a new connection or at the beginning of the season. Once exercised, the option remains in force for at least one year.
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Variable Charges
Street  Lighting 21.02 20.63
Under Tariff-G, there shall be a minimum monthly charge of Rs. 500/- per month per kW of lamp capacity installed.
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Variable Charges
Residential Colonies attached to industrial premises 21.02 20.63
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Variable Charges
Railway Traction 19.17 20.63
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Variable Charges
1 Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) 400 14.23 17.55
Time of Use 400 Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
18.63 11.95 23.55 16.65
2 Rawat Lab 17.07 20.63

Schedule of Electricity Tariff W.E.F 2019

A1 General Supply Tariff-Residential
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwh
Applicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/M
Variable Charges Rs/Kw/M
a) For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW
i Up to 50 Units 4.00 4.0 2.0 2.0
For Consumption exceeding 50 Units
ii For first 100 Units 13.85 12.09 5.79 6.3
iii a.101-200 Units 15.86 13.54 8.11 5.43
iii b.201-300 Units 16.83 15.27 10.20 5.07
iv 301-700 Units 18.54 16.91 17.60 -0.69
v Above 700 Units 20.94 19.24 20.70 -1.46
b) For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
Time of Use 19.33 12.80 18.81 12.5 20.70 14.38 -1.89 -1.88
As per Authority’s decision residential consomer will be given the benefits of only one previous slab
Under Tariff A-1, there shall be minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if no energy is consumed.
a) Single Phase connections: Rs. 75/- per consumer per month
b) Three phase connection: Rs.150/- per consumer per month
A2 General Supply Tariff-Commercial
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwh Applicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/M
Variable Charges Rs/Kw/M
a) For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW 19.26 19.08 18 1.08
b) For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above 400.00 18.01 16.81 19.68 -2.87
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
c) Time of Use 400.00 20.09 13.48 19.18 12.26 21.6 15.63 -2.42 -3.37
Under Tariff A-2, there shall be minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if no energy is consumed.
a) single phase connections: Rs. 175/- per consumer per month
b) Three phase connections: Rs. 350/- per consumer per month
A3 General Services
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwh
Applicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/M
Variable Charges Rs/Kw/M
a) General Services 17.56 17.6 17.56 0.04
Under Tariff A-3, there shall be minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if no energy is consumed.
a) single phase connections: Rs. 175/- per consumer per month
b) Three phase connections: Rs. 350/- per consumer per month
B Industrial Supply Tariff
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwh
Applicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/M
Variable Charges Rs/Kw/M
B1 (a Up to 25 kw (at 400/230 volts) 18.32 17.59 15.28 2.31
B2(a) exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts) 400.00 15.79 14.95 14.78 0.17
Time of Use Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
B1 (b) Up to 25 kw 20.14 13.46 19.88 12.03 18.84 13.28 1.04 -1.25
B2 (b) exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts) 400.00 19.93 13.23 19.35 12.64 18.78 13.07 0.57 -0.53
For All Loads up to 5000 KW(at 11,33 KV) 380.00 20.39 12.61 20.58 11.61 18.78 12.98 1.8 -1.37
B4 For All Loads (at 66,132 KV & above) 360.00 20.27 13.25 20.25 12 18.78 12.88 1.47 -0.88
For B1 consumers there shall be a fixed minimum charge of Rs. 350 per month.
For B2 consumers there shall be a fixed minimum charge of Rs. 2,000 per month.
For B3 consumers there shall be a fixed minimum charge of Rs. 50,000 per month.
For B4 consumers there shall be a fixed minimum charge of Rs. 500,000 per month.

Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kWh
Applicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/M
Variable Charges Rs/Kw/M
C-1 For supply at 400/230 Volts
a) Sanctioned load less than 5 kW 21.32 16.2 18.68 -2.48
b) Sanctioned load 5 kW & up to 500 kW 400 20.13 15.7 18.18 -2.48
C-2(a) For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW 380 15.61 15.21 17.98 -2.77
C-3(a) For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW 360 14.42 13.97 17.88 -3.91
Time Of Use Peak Off Peak Peak Off Peak Peak Off Peak Peak Off-Peak
C-1© For supply at 400/230 Volts 5 kW & up to 500 kW 400 21.52 14.99 19 12.5 21.6 15 -2.6 -2.5
C-2(b) For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW 380 19.73 12.57 19 12.1 21.6 14.8 -2.6 -2.7
C-3(b) For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW 360 18.49 11.59 19 12 21.6 14.7 -2.6 -2.7
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwh
Applicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/M
Variable Charges Rs/Kw/M
D-1(a) SCARP less than 5 KW 23.17 23.17 15.68 7.49
D-2 Agricultural Tube Well 200 14.56 14.56 5.35 9.21
Peak Off Peak Peak Off Peak Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
D-1(b) SCARP 5 KW & above 200 20.87 14.03 22 12.02 18.6 11.35 3.4 0.67
D-1(b) Agricultural 5 KW & above 200 20.27 13.04 20.5 13.46 5.35 5.35 15.15 8.11
Under this tariff, there shall be minimum monthly charges Rs. 2000/- per consumer per month, even if no energy is consumed.
Note: The consumers having sanctioned load less than 5 kW can opt for TOU metering.
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwh
Applicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/M
Variable Charges Rs/Kw/M
E-1(i) Residential Supply 20.84 18.15 20.84 -2.69
E-1(ii) Commercial Supply 18.39 18.47 18.39 0.08
E-2 Industrial Supply 16.36 14.70 16.36 -1.66
Note: For the categories of E-1(i&ii) above, the minimum bill of the consumers shall be Rs. 50/- per day subject to a minimum of Rs. 500/- for the entire period of supply, even if no energy is consumed.
F – Seasonal Industrial Supply TARIFF
125% of relevant Industrial Tariff
Note: Tariff F consumers will have the option to convert to regular tariff and vice versa. This option can be exercised at the time of a new connection or at the beginning of the season. Once exercised, the option remains in force for at least one year.
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwh
Applicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/M
Variable Charges Rs/Kw/M
Street  Lighting 18.78 19.78 18.68 1.1
Under Tariff-G, there shall be a minimum monthly charge of Rs. 500/- per month per kW of lamp capacity installed.
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwh
Applicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/M
Variable Charges Rs/Kw/M
Residential Colonies attached to industrial premises 18.42 20.39 18.68 1.71
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwh
Applicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/M
Variable Charges Rs/Kw/M
Railway Traction 17.9 17.9 18.68 -0.78
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Fixed Charges Rs/KW/M
Uniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)
Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwh
Applicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/M
Variable Charges Rs/Kw/M
J-1 For supply of 66 kv & above and having sanctioned load of 20MW & above 360.00 16.14 11.77 17.88 -6.11
J-2(a) For supply at 11,33 kv 380.00 16.46 14.1 17.98 -3.88
J-2(b) For supply at 66 kv & above 360.00 16.36 14 17.88 -3.88
J-3(a) For supply at 11,33 kv 380.00 16.46 14.1 17.98 -3.88
J-3(b) For supply at 66 kv & above 360.00 16.36 14 17.88 -3.88
Time of Use Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
J-1 (b) For supply of 66 kv & above and having sactioned load of 20MW & above 360 20.66 14.33 18.60 11.62 21.60 14.70 -3.0 -3.08
J-2 (c) For supply at 11,33 kv 380.00 20.66 14.44 18.60 11.72 21.60 14.80 -3.0 -3.08
J-2(d) For supply at 66 kv & above 360.00 20.66 14.33 18.60 11.62 21.60 14.70 -3.0 -3.08
J-3(c) For supply at 11,33 kv 380.00 20.66 14.44 18.60 11.72 21.60 14.80 -3.0 -3.08
J-3(d) For supply at 66 kv & above 360.00 20.66 14.33 18.60 11.62 21.60 14.70 -3.0 -3.08
1:-  Neelum Jhelum Surcharge at   rate of Rs. 0.10 per KWh on all electricity consumers except lifeline domestic consumers of the category   ‘Residential-A’ for Electricity Sold.
2:-  Financial Cost Surcharge at the rate of Rs. 0.43 per KWh applicable to all the categories of Electricity Consumers except lifeline domestic consumers of the Category ‘Residential-A’ for Electricity sold.

Schedule of Electricity Tariff W.E.F July 2019

A1 General Supply Tariff-Residential
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
a) For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW
i Up to 50 Units
For Consumption exceeding 50 Units
ii For first 100 Units 1.49
iii a.101-200 Units 1.49
iii b.201-300 Units 1.49
iv 301-700 Units 1.49 0.75
v Above 700 Units 1.49 0.75
b) For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
Time of Use 1.49 1.49 0.75 0.75
A2 General Supply Tariff-Commercial
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
a) For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW 1.49
b) For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above 1.49 1.80
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
c) Time of Use 1.49 1.49 1.80 1.80
A3 General Services
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
a) General Services 1.49 1.80
B Industrial Supply Tariff
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
B1 (a Up to 25 kw (at 400/230 volts) 1.49 1.80
B2(a) exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts) 1.49 1.80
Time of Use Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
B1 (b) Up to 25 kw 1.49 1.49 1.80 1.80
B2 (b) exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts) 1.49 1.49 1.80 1.80
B3 For All Loads up to 5000 KW(at 11,33 KV) 1.49 1.49 1.80 1.80
B4 For All Loads (at 66,132 KV & above) 1.49 1.49 1.80 1.80
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
C-1 For supply at 400/230 Volts
a) Sanctioned load less than 5 kW 1.49 1.80
b) Sanctioned load 5 kW & up to 500 kW 1.49 1.80
C-2(a) For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW 1.49 1.80
C-3(a) For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW 1.49 1.80
Time Of Use Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
C-1(c) For supply at 400/230 Volts 5 kW & up to 500 kW 1.49 1.49 1.80 1.80
C-2(b) For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW 1.49 1.49 1.80 1.80
C-3(b) For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW 1.49 1.49 1.80 1.80
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
D-1(a) SCARP less than 5 KW 1.49 1.80
D-2(a) Agricultural Tube Well 1.49 1.49
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
D-1(b) SCARP 5 KW & above 1.49 1.49 1.80 1.80
D-2(b) Agricultural 5 KW & above 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
E-1(i) Residential Supply 1.49 1.80
E-1(ii) Commercial Supply 1.49 1.80
E-2 Industrial Supply 1.49 1.80
F – Seasonal Industrial Supply TARIFF
125% of relevant Industrial Tariff
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
Street  Lighting 1.49 1.80
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
Residential Colonies attached to industrial premises 1.49 1.80
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
Railway Traction 1.49 1.80
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
Applicable Uniform Qtrly Adjustment
1st & 2nd Qtr
FY 2018-19 (Rs/KWh)
J-1 For supply of 66 kv & above and having sanctioned load of 20MW & above 1.49 1.80
J-2(a) For supply at 11,33 kv 1.49 1.80
J-2(b) For supply at 66 kv & above 1.49 1.80
J-3(a) For supply at 11,33 kv 1.49 1.80
J-3(b) For supply at 66 kv & above 1.49 1.80
Time of Use Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
J-1 (b) For supply of 66 kv & above and having sanctioned load of 20MW & above 1.49 1.49 1.80 1.80
J-2 (c) For supply at 11,33 kv 1.49 1.49 1.80 1.80
J-2(d) For supply at 66 kv & above 1.49 1.49 1.80 1.80
J-3(c) For supply at 11,33 kv 1.49 1.49 1.80 1.80
J-3(d) For supply at 66 kv & above 1.49 1.49 1.80 1.80


A1 General Supply Tariff-Residential
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
Applicable Uniform Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment (Rs/KWh)
a) For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW
i Up to 50 Units
For Consumption exceeding 50 Units
ii For first 100 Units 0.53
iii a.101-200 Units 0.53
iii b.201-300 Units 0.53
iv 301-700 Units 0.53 0.53
v Above 700 Units 0.53 0.53
b) For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
Time of Use 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
A2 General Supply Tariff-Commercial
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
a) For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW 0.53 0.53
b) For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above 0.53 0.53
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
c) Time of Use 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
A3 General Services
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
a) General Services 0.53 0.53
B Industrial Supply Tariff
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
B1 (a Up to 25 kw (at 400/230 volts) 0.53 0.53
B2(a) exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts) 0.53 0.53
Time of Use Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
B1 (b) Up to 25 kw 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
B2 (b) exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts) 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
B3 For All Loads up to 5000 KW(at 11,33 KV) 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
B4 For All Loads (at 66,132 KV & above) 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
C-1 For supply at 400/230 Volts
a) Sanctioned load less than 5 kW 0.53 0.53
b) Sanctioned load 5 kW & up to 500 kW 0.53 0.53
C-2(a) For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW 0.53 0.53
C-3(a) For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW 0.53 0.53
Time Of Use Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
C-1(c) For supply at 400/230 Volts 5 kW & up to 500 kW 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
C-2(b) For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
C-3(b) For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
D-1(a) SCARP less than 5 KW 0.53 0.53
D-2(a) Agricultural Tube Well 0.53 0.53
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
D-1(b) SCARP 5 KW & above 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
D-2(b) Agricultural 5 KW & above 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
E-1(i) Residential Supply 0.53 0.53
E-1(ii) Commercial Supply 0.53 0.53
E-2 Industrial Supply 0.53 0.53
F – Seasonal Industrial Supply TARIFF
125% of relevant Industrial Tariff
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
Street  Lighting 0.53 0.53
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
Residential Colonies attached to industrial premises 0.53 0.53
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
Railway Traction 0.53 0.53
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
Applicable Uniform Annual D.M and Qtrly Adjustment
J-1 For supply of 66 kv & above and having sanctioned load of 20MW & above 0.53 0.53
J-2(a) For supply at 11,33 kv 0.53 0.53
J-2(b) For supply at 66 kv & above 0.53 0.53
J-3(a) For supply at 11,33 kv 0.53 0.53
J-3(b) For supply at 66 kV & above 0.53 0.53
Time of Use Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
J-1 (b) For supply of 66 kV & above and having sanctioned load of 20MW & above 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
J-2 (c) For supply at 11,33 kV 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
J-2(d) For supply at 66 kV & above 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
J-3(c) For supply at 11,33 kV 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
J-3(d) For supply at 66 kV & above 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
 S.R.O 1168(I)2019. -Pursuant to section 31(7) of the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997, the Federal Government notifies the adjustment in the approved tariff. on account of periodic adjustment for 3rd and 4th Quarters of FY 2018-19 and annual indexation/adjustment of distribution margin with the immediate application as determined and recommended by National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) vide decisions both dated September 27, 2019, in respect of Lahore Electric Supply Company Limited (LESCO), as Schedule I, IIA & IIB by way of amendment in its notification no. SRO. 05(1) 2019 dated January 1, 2019

The above adjustments are being notified along with tariff differential subsidy for lifeline, domestic consumers consuming up to 300 units, and the additional charge of Rs. 0.30 per unit for maintaining a uniform tariff on all categories of consumers (except for lifeline and domestic consumers consuming up to 300 units) so that the consolidated revenue requirement approved and determined by NEPRA on September 27, 2019 is maintained. The said adjustment shall be shown separately in the consumers’ bill by the XWDISCOs and applicable for next twelve-monthly billing cycles effective from October 1st, 2019.

Schedule of Electricity Tariff W.E.F December 2019

A1 General Supply Tariff-Residential
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
Applicable Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
a) For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW
i Up to 50 Units
For Consumption exceeding 50 Units
ii For first 100 Units 0.15
iii a.101-200 Units 0.15
iii b.201-300 Units 0.15
iv 301-700 Units 0.15 0.07
v Above 700 Units 0.15 0.07
b) For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
Time of Use 0.15 0.15 0.07 0.07
A2 General Supply Tariff-Commercial
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
Applicable Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
a) For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW 0.15 0.15
b) For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above 0.15 0.15
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
c) Time of Use 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
A3 General Services
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
Applicable Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
a) General Services 0.15 0.15
B Industrial Supply Tariff
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
Applicable Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
B1 (a Up to 25 kw (at 400/230 volts) 0.15 0.15
B2(a) exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts) 0.15 0.15
Time of Use Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
B1 (b) Up to 25 kw 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
B2 (b) exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts) 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
B3 For All Loads up to 5000 KW(at 11,33 KV) 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
B4 For All Loads (at 66,132 KV & above) 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
Applicable Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
C-1 For supply at 400/230 Volts
a) Sanctioned load less than 5 kW 0.15 0.15
b) Sanctioned load 5 kW & up to 500 kW 0.15 0.15
C-2(a) For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW 0.15 0.15
C-3(a) For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW 0.15 0.15
Time Of Use Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
C-1(c) For supply at 400/230 Volts 5 kW & up to 500 kW 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
C-2(b) For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
C-3(b) For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
Applicable Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
D-1(a) SCARP less than 5 KW 0.15 0.15
D-2(a) Agricultural Tube Well 0.15 0.15
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
D-1(b) SCARP 5 KW & above 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
D-2(b) Agricultural 5 KW & above 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
Applicable Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
E-1(i) Residential Supply 0.15 0.15
E-1(ii) Commercial Supply 0.15 0.15
E-2 Industrial Supply 0.15 0.15
F – Seasonal Industrial Supply TARIFF
125% of relevant Industrial Tariff
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
Applicable Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
Street  Lighting 0.15 0.15
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
Applicable Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
Residential Colonies attached to industrial premises 0.15 0.15
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
Applicable Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
Railway Traction 0.15 0.15
Sr. No.
Tariff Category/Particulars
Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
Applicable Uniform Qtrly
Adjustment 1st Qtr.
J-1 For supply of 66 kv & above and having sactioned load of 20MW & above 0.15 0.15
J-2(a) For supply at 11,33 kv 0.15 0.15
J-2(b) For supply at 66 kv & above 0.15 0.15
J-3(a) For supply at 11,33 kv 0.15 0.15
J-3(b) For supply at 66 kv & above 0.15 0.15
Time of Use Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
J-1 (b) For supply of 66 kv & above and having sactioned load of 20MW & above 0.53 0.15 0.15 0.15
J-2 (c) For supply at 11,33 kv 0.53 0.15 0.15 0.15
J-2(d) For supply at 66 kv & above 0.53 0.15 0.15 0.15
J-3(c) For supply at 11,33 kv 0.53 0.15 0.15 0.15
J-3(d) For supply at 66 kv & above 0.53 0.15 0.15 0.15
 S.R.O 1471(I)2019. -Pursuant to section 31(7) of the Regulation of Generation, Transmission, and Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997, the Federal Government notifies the adjustment in the approved tariff. on account of periodic adjustment for 1st Quarter of FY 2019-20  as determined and recommended by National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) vide decisions of November 26, 2019, in respect of Lahore Electric Supply Company Limited (LESCO), as Schedule I, II.

To ensure that the consolidated revenue requirement approved and established by NEPRA on November 26, 2019, is maintained, the aforementioned adjustments are being announced along with the tariff discrepancy subsidy for a lifeline, domestic consumer, and the additional charge of Rs. 0.11 per unit for maintaining a uniform tariff on all categories of consumers (domestic consumers). From December 1st 2019, the XWDISCOs will independently display the aforementioned modification on the consumers’ bill, and it will be applied for the next 12-month billing cycles.

Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is LESCO Tariff?

The LESCO Tariff is the monthly price per unit that the company charges its customers. The tax amount, electricity usage, and the cost of the generated and provided electrical energy are all included in the overall tariff amount.

2. What are Peak and Off-Peak Hours?

The cost per unit is the main distinction between Peak and Off-Peak hours. The demand and consumption curve causes unit prices to increase during peak hours. So make an effort to use less electricity at off-peak times.

The typical peak hours are from 5 to 11 p.m., but these times can change between the summer and winter months.

Dec. to February: 5 to 9 p.m.
6 to 10 PM from March to May
7 to 11 PM, June through August
Sep to Nov: 6 to 10 p.m.

Rest time includes 20 hours of off-peak time.

3. What is the price of 1 unit of electricity?

Prices for electricity vary depending on the type of consumer. You would pay slightly lower fees if you are a domestic consumer. Prices for industrial connections increase slightly as a result of the extensive use of power.

The unit price for domestic consumers for 1 unit of electricity is Rs. 9.42 for the first 100 units, and after the first 100 units, it will increase to Rs. 11.74 per unit in accordance with NEPRA (Variable Charges) and other factors.



4. What are LESCO Tariff Slabs?

The LESCO Tariff Slab is a relationship between the price per unit and the number of units consumed. Because LESCO has a set price for each slab and the specified number of units, it may accommodate customers based on their usage and requirements.

5. How is the tariff hike controlled?

There are a number of ways to control a tariff when it is anticipated to rise in level. The government and the authorities also utilise other tools to limit price increases in addition to tariff control.

Study more!

Tariff can be regulated by:

establishing well-thought-out adaptable policies
After renewing agreements, determine the annual tariff or rates.
Boost electricity transmission efficiency
stakeholders in Prevent Electricity Theft Consulting

6. What are the types of tariffs?

Here, we’ll talk about some of the major tariff categories that pertain to energy and power delivery.

Also included in this are the two-part, three-part, straight-line, and seasonal or peak meter tariffs. These are some of the most significant tariff types as a result.

There are, however, a lot of other tariffs as well. Consequently, continue reading if you want to learn more about specifics relating to tariffs.
You can click on this link to learn more about LESCO Customer Services if you’re interested.

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